In India, the tradition of worshiping Gram Devi, Sthan Dev, and Matru Devi (Mother Goddess) has been ancient. In Mewar, Jagadamba is worshiped as Rashtra Shyamala, and a temple dedicated to her is located on the way to Kailashpuri near Udaipur. In local tradition, she is referred to as Rathasena Mata. This is possibly the oldest temple dedicated to the Rashtra Devi (Mother of India) in the country. During the struggle for independence, Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, in his novel “Anandamath,” first called for the worship of Bharat Mata and presented an image of the Rashtra Devi, with the anthem “Vande Mataram” taking the form of national song.


Appearance: In the Pratap Gaurav Kendra located at Bharat Mata Temple, the goddess is adorned in an orange-colored sari, holding a saffron flag in her hand, and is installed on her vehicle, a lion. The temple’s sanctum sanctorum is octagonal and situated at an elevation. To reach the temple, one has to climb 71 stairs, symbolizing the ascent to national glory, instilling a sense of pride in the nation.

Meditation Room:Just below the temple, a meditation room has been set up. After visiting the Pratap Gaurav Kendra, visitors can meditate and contemplate in this blue-white meditation room, experiencing otherworldly and spiritual bliss.

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